Source code for enable.primitives.annotater

# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
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Define an Annotater component that allows a user to annotate an underlying

from traits.api import Event, PrefixList
from traitsui.api import Group, View

from enable.api import Component
from enable.colors import ColorTrait

[docs]class Annotater(Component): color = ColorTrait((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2)) style = PrefixList(["rectangular", "freehand"], default_value="rectangular") annotation = Event traits_view = View( Group("<component>", id="component"), Group("<links>", id="links"), Group("color", "style", id="annotater", style="custom"), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mouse event handlers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _left_down_changed(self, event): event.handled = True self.window.mouse_owner = self self._cur_x, self._cur_y = event.x, event.y self._start_x, self._start_y = event.x, event.y def _left_up_changed(self, event): event.handled = True self.window.mouse_owner = None if self.xy_in_bounds(event): self.annotation = ( min(self._start_x, event.x), min(self._start_y, event.y), abs(self._start_x - event.x), abs(self._start_y - event.y), ) self._start_x = self._start_y = self._cur_x = self._cur_y = None self.redraw() def _mouse_move_changed(self, event): event.handled = True if self._start_x is not None: x = max(min(event.x, self.right - 1.0), self.x) y = max(min(event.y, - 1.0), self.y) if (x != self._cur_x) or (y != self._cur_y): self._cur_x, self._cur_y = x, y self.redraw() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Component" interface # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _draw(self, gc): "Draw the contents of the control" if self._start_x is not None: with gc: gc.set_fill_color(self.color_) gc.begin_path() gc.rect( min(self._start_x, self._cur_x), min(self._start_y, self._cur_y), abs(self._start_x - self._cur_x), abs(self._start_y - self._cur_y), ) gc.fill_path() return