Source code for enable.markers

# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
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Defines markers classes, used by a variety of renderers.

# Major library imports
from numpy import array, pi

# Enthought library imports
from traits.api import HasTraits, Bool, Instance, Map
from traitsui.api import EnumEditor
from kiva.api import (

# Local imports
from .compiled_path import CompiledPath

[docs]class AbstractMarker(HasTraits): """ Abstract class for markers. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked (from kiva.api). #: This is a class variable and the available options are #: (FILL, EOF_FILL, STROKE, FILL_STROKE, EOF_FILL_STROKE). draw_mode = STROKE #: The kiva marker type (from kiva.api). kiva_marker = NO_MARKER #: Close the path object after drawing this marker? close_path = Bool(True) #: Render the marker antialiased? Some #: markers render faster and look better if they are not anti-aliased. antialias = Bool(True)
[docs] def add_to_path(self, path, size): """ Adds this marker's representation to *path*, scaled appropriately for *size*. Parameters ---------- path : GraphicsContext The target for drawing the marker. size : number Size of the marker, in pixels """ if self.close_path: self._add_to_path(path, size) path.close_path() else: self._add_to_path(path, size)
[docs] def get_compiled_path(self, size): """ Returns a compiled path object that represents this marker, scaled appropriately for *size*. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _add_to_path(self, path, size): # subclasses must implement this method raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SquareMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a square. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE #: The Kiva marker type. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) kiva_marker = SQUARE_MARKER #: Do not render anti-aliased. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) antialias = False def _add_to_path(self, path, size): path.rect(-size, -size, size * 2, size * 2)
[docs]class DiamondMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a diamond. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE #: The Kiva marker type. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) kiva_marker = DIAMOND_MARKER #: Do not render anti-aliased. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) antialias = False def _add_to_path(self, path, size): path.lines(array(((0, -size), (-size, 0), (0, size), (size, 0))))
[docs]class CircleMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a circle. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE #: The Kiva marker type. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) kiva_marker = CIRCLE_MARKER #: Array of points in a circle circle_points = array( [ [1.0, 0.0], [0.966, 0.259], [0.866, 0.5], [0.707, 0.707], [0.5, 0.866], [0.259, 0.966], [0.0, 1.0], [-0.259, 0.966], [-0.5, 0.866], [-0.707, 0.707], [-0.866, 0.5], [-0.966, 0.259], [-1.0, 0.0], [-0.966, -0.259], [-0.866, -0.5], [-0.707, -0.707], [-0.5, -0.866], [-0.259, -0.966], [0.0, -1.0], [0.259, -0.966], [0.5, -0.866], [0.707, -0.707], [0.866, -0.5], [0.966, -0.259], [1.0, 0.0], ] ) def _add_to_path(self, path, size): if size <= 5: pts = self.circle_points[::3] * size elif size <= 10: pts = self.circle_points[::2] * size else: pts = self.circle_points * size path.lines(pts)
[docs]class TriangleMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a triangle with one apex pointing up. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE #: The Kiva marker type. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) kiva_marker = TRIANGLE_MARKER #: Do not render anti-aliased. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) antialias = False def _add_to_path(self, path, size): path.lines(array(((-size, -size), (size, -size), (0, 0.732 * size))))
[docs]class Inverted_TriangleMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a triangle with one apex pointing down. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE #: The Kiva marker type. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) kiva_marker = INVERTED_TRIANGLE_MARKER #: Do not render anti-aliased. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) antialias = False def _add_to_path(self, path, size): path.lines(array(((-size, size), (size, size), (0, -0.732 * size))))
[docs]class LeftTriangleMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a triangle with one apex pointing left. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE def _add_to_path(self, path, size): path.lines(array([(size, -size), (size, size), (-0.732 * size, 0)]))
[docs]class RightTriangleMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a triangle with one apex pointing right. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE def _add_to_path(self, path, size): path.lines(array([(-size, -size), (-size, size), (0.732 * size, 0)]))
[docs]class PentagonMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a pentagon. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE def _add_to_path(self, path, size): # xi = size * cos(2*pi*i/5. + pi/2), yi = size * sin(2*pi*i/5. + pi/2) path.lines( array( [ (0, size), (0.951 * size, 0.309 * size), (0.588 * size, -0.809 * size), (-0.588 * size, -0.809 * size), (-0.951 * size, 0.309 * size), ] ) )
[docs]class Hexagon1Marker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a hexagon, with the flat sides on the sides. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE def _add_to_path(self, path, size): # xi = size * cos(2*pi*i/6.), yi = size * sin(2*pi*i/6.) path.lines( array( [ (size, 0), (0.5 * size, 0.866 * size), (-0.5 * size, 0.866 * size), (-size, 0), (-0.5 * size, -0.866 * size), (0.5 * size, -0.866 * size), ] ) )
[docs]class Hexagon2Marker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a hexagon, with the flat sides on the top and bottom. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE def _add_to_path(self, path, size): # Like Hexagon1Marker but with an offset of 30 deg. path.lines( array( [ (0.866 * size, 0.5 * size), (0.0, size), (-0.866 * size, 0.5 * size), (-0.866 * size, -0.5 * size), (0.0, -size), (0.866 * size, -0.5 * size), ] ) )
[docs]class PlusMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a plus-sign. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = STROKE #: The Kiva marker type. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) kiva_marker = PLUS_MARKER #: Do not render anti-aliased. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) antialias = False def _add_to_path(self, path, size): path.move_to(0, -size) path.line_to(0, size) path.move_to(-size, 0) path.line_to(size, 0)
[docs]class CrossMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is an X. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = STROKE #: The Kiva marker type. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) kiva_marker = CROSS_MARKER #: Do not render anti-aliased. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) antialias = False def _add_to_path(self, path, size): path.move_to(-size, -size) path.line_to(size, size) path.move_to(size, -size) path.line_to(-size, size)
[docs]class StarMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a (filled) star. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE def _add_to_path(self, path, size): # Generated from # i = arange(10), thetai = 2*pi * i/10., ri = 0.75 + (-1)**i * 0.25 # xi = ri * sin(thetai), yi = ri * cos(thetai) path.lines( array( [ (0.0, size), (0.294 * size, 0.405 * size), (0.951 * size, 0.309 * size), (0.476 * size, -0.155 * size), (0.588 * size, -0.809 * size), (0, -0.5 * size), (-0.588 * size, -0.809 * size), (-0.476 * size, -0.155 * size), (-0.951 * size, 0.309 * size), (-0.294 * size, 0.405 * size), ] ) )
[docs]class CrossPlusMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is an X and a + superimposed. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = STROKE def _add_to_path(self, path, size): # Darw an X path.move_to(-size, -size) path.line_to(size, size) path.move_to(size, -size) path.line_to(-size, size) # Draw a + path.move_to(0, -size) path.line_to(0, size) path.move_to(-size, 0) path.line_to(size, 0)
[docs]class DotMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a dot. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = FILL_STROKE #: The Kiva marker type. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) kiva_marker = DOT_MARKER def _add_to_path(self, path, size): path.arc(0, 0, size, 0, 2 * pi)
[docs]class PixelMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a pixel. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = STROKE #: The Kiva marker type. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) kiva_marker = PIXEL_MARKER #: Do not render anti-aliased. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) antialias = False def _add_to_path(self, path, size): # It's impossible to emulate a true Pixel Marker in a vector # system, so we just draw a sub-pixel square 1.0 unit across. path.rect(-0.5, -0.5, 1.0, 1.0)
[docs]class CustomMarker(AbstractMarker): """ A marker that is a custom shape. """ #: How this marker is to be stroked. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) draw_mode = STROKE #: The Kiva marker type. (Overrides AbstractMarker.) kiva_marker = NO_MARKER #: The custom path that represents this marker. path = Instance(CompiledPath) #: Automatically scale **path** based on the input size parameter? #: If False, then the path does not respond to the 'size' parameter! scale_path = Bool(True) def _add_to_path(self, path, size): if self.scale_path: path.save_ctm() path.scale_ctm(float(size), float(size)) path.add_path(path) if self.scale_path: path.restore_ctm()
[docs] def get_compiled_path(self, size): """ Returns a path instance. If **scale_path** is True, then the returned path is a new compiled path that is scaled based on *size*. If **scaled_path** is False, then this method just returns the current **path**. """ if self.scale_path: newpath = CompiledPath() newpath.scale_ctm(float(size), float(size)) newpath.add_path(self.path) return newpath else: return self.path
#: String names for marker types. marker_names = ( "square", "circle", "triangle", "inverted_triangle", "left_triangle", "right_triangle", "pentagon", "hexagon", "hexagon2", "plus", "cross", "star", "cross_plus", "diamond", "dot", "pixel", ) #: Mapping of marker string names to classes. MarkerNameDict = { "square": SquareMarker, "circle": CircleMarker, "triangle": TriangleMarker, "inverted_triangle": Inverted_TriangleMarker, "left_triangle": LeftTriangleMarker, "right_triangle": RightTriangleMarker, "pentagon": PentagonMarker, "hexagon": Hexagon1Marker, "hexagon2": Hexagon2Marker, "plus": PlusMarker, "cross": CrossMarker, "star": StarMarker, "cross_plus": CrossPlusMarker, "diamond": DiamondMarker, "dot": DotMarker, "pixel": PixelMarker, "custom": CustomMarker, } #: A mapped trait that allows string naming of marker classes. MarkerTrait = Map(MarkerNameDict, default_value="square") marker_trait = MarkerTrait