Source code for enable.layout.layout_manager

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from contextlib import contextmanager

import kiwisolver as kiwi

[docs]class LayoutManager(object): """ A class which uses a kiwi solver to manage a system of constraints. """ def __init__(self): self._solver = kiwi.Solver() self._edit_stack = [] self._initialized = False self._running = False
[docs] def initialize(self, constraints): """ Initialize the solver with the given constraints. Parameters ---------- constraints : Iterable An iterable that yields the constraints to add to the solvers. """ if self._initialized: raise RuntimeError("Solver already initialized") solver = self._solver for cn in constraints: solver.addConstraint(cn) self._initialized = True
[docs] def replace_constraints(self, old_cns, new_cns): """ Replace constraints in the solver. Parameters ---------- old_cns : list The list of kiwi constraints to remove from the solver. new_cns : list The list of kiwi constraints to add to the solver. """ if not self._initialized: raise RuntimeError("Solver not yet initialized") solver = self._solver for cn in old_cns: solver.removeConstraint(cn) for cn in new_cns: solver.addConstraint(cn)
[docs] def layout(self, cb, width, height, size, strength=kiwi.strength.medium): """ Perform an iteration of the solver for the new width and height constraint variables. Parameters ---------- cb : callable A callback which will be called when new values from the solver are available. This will be called from within a solver context while the solved values are valid. Thus the new values should be consumed before the callback returns. width : Constraint Variable The constraint variable representing the width of the main layout container. height : Constraint Variable The constraint variable representing the height of the main layout container. size : (int, int) The (width, height) size tuple which is the current size of the main layout container. strength : kiwisolver strength, optional The strength with which to perform the layout using the current size of the container. i.e. the strength of the resize. The default is kiwisolver.strength.medium. """ if not self._initialized: raise RuntimeError("Layout with uninitialized solver") if self._running: return try: self._running = True w, h = size solver = self._solver pairs = ((width, strength), (height, strength)) with self._edit_context(pairs): solver.suggestValue(width, w) solver.suggestValue(height, h) solver.updateVariables() cb() finally: self._running = False
[docs] def get_min_size(self, width, height, strength=kiwi.strength.medium): """ Run an iteration of the solver with the suggested size of the component set to (0, 0). This will cause the solver to effectively compute the minimum size that the window can be to solve the system. Parameters ---------- width : Constraint Variable The constraint variable representing the width of the main layout container. height : Constraint Variable The constraint variable representing the height of the main layout container. strength : kiwisolver strength, optional The strength with which to perform the layout using the current size of the container. i.e. the strength of the resize. The default is kiwisolver.strength.medium. Returns ------- result : (float, float) The floating point (min_width, min_height) size of the container which would best satisfy the set of constraints. """ if not self._initialized: raise RuntimeError("Get min size on uninitialized solver") solver = self._solver pairs = ((width, strength), (height, strength)) with self._edit_context(pairs): solver.suggestValue(width, 0.0) solver.suggestValue(height, 0.0) solver.updateVariables() min_width = width.value() min_height = height.value() return (min_width, min_height)
[docs] def get_max_size(self, width, height, strength=kiwi.strength.medium): """ Run an iteration of the solver with the suggested size of the component set to a very large value. This will cause the solver to effectively compute the maximum size that the window can be to solve the system. The return value is a tuple numbers. If one of the numbers is -1, it indicates there is no maximum in that direction. Parameters ---------- width : Constraint Variable The constraint variable representing the width of the main layout container. height : Constraint Variable The constraint variable representing the height of the main layout container. strength : kiwisolver strength, optional The strength with which to perform the layout using the current size of the container. i.e. the strength of the resize. The default is kiwisolver.strength.medium. Returns ------- result : (float or -1, float or -1) The floating point (max_width, max_height) size of the container which would best satisfy the set of constraints. """ if not self._initialized: raise RuntimeError("Get max size on uninitialized solver") max_val = 2 ** 24 - 1 # Arbitrary, but the max allowed by Qt. solver = self._solver pairs = ((width, strength), (height, strength)) with self._edit_context(pairs): solver.suggestValue(width, max_val) solver.suggestValue(height, max_val) solver.updateVariables() max_width = width.value() max_height = width.value() width_diff = abs(max_val - int(round(max_width))) height_diff = abs(max_val - int(round(max_height))) if width_diff <= 1: max_width = -1 if height_diff <= 1: max_height = -1 return (max_width, max_height)
def _push_edit_vars(self, pairs): """ Push edit variables into the solver. The current edit variables will be removed and the new edit variables will be added. Parameters ---------- pairs : sequence A sequence of 2-tuples of (var, strength) which should be added as edit variables to the solver. """ solver = self._solver stack = self._edit_stack if stack: for v, strength in stack[-1]: solver.removeEditVariable(v) stack.append(pairs) for v, strength in pairs: solver.addEditVariable(v, strength) def _pop_edit_vars(self): """ Restore the previous edit variables in the solver. The current edit variables will be removed and the previous edit variables will be re-added. """ solver = self._solver stack = self._edit_stack for v, strength in stack.pop(): solver.removeEditVariable(v) if stack: for v, strength in stack[-1]: solver.addEditVariable(v, strength) @contextmanager def _edit_context(self, pairs): """ A context manager for temporary solver edits. This manager will push the edit vars into the solver and pop them when the context exits. Parameters ---------- pairs : list A list of 2-tuple of (var, strength) which should be added as temporary edit variables to the solver. """ self._push_edit_vars(pairs) yield self._pop_edit_vars()