Source code for enable.label

# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" Defines the Label class.

# Major library imports
from math import pi
from numpy import asarray

# Enthought library imports
from kiva.api import FILL, STROKE
from enable.trait_defs.kiva_font_trait import KivaFont
from traits.api import Bool, Enum, Float, HasTraits, Int, List, Str, observe

# Local, relative imports
from .colors import black_color_trait, transparent_color_trait
from .component import Component

[docs]class Label(Component): """ A text label """ # The label text. Carriage returns (\n) are always connverted into # line breaks. text = Str # The angle of rotation of the label. Only multiples of 90 are supported. rotate_angle = Float(0) # The color of the label text. color = black_color_trait # The background color of the label. bgcolor = transparent_color_trait # The width of the label border. If it is 0, then it is not shown. border_width = Int(0) # The color of the border. border_color = black_color_trait # The font of the label text. font = KivaFont("modern 10") # Number of pixels of margin around the label, for both X and Y dimensions. margin = Int(2) # Number of pixels of spacing between lines of text. line_spacing = Int(5) # The horizontal placement of text within the bounds of the label hjustify = Enum("left", "center", "right") # The vertical placement of text within the bounds of the label vjustify = Enum("bottom", "center", "top") # By default, labels are not resizable resizable = "" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private traits # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _bounding_box = List() _position_cache_valid = Bool(False) def __init__(self, text="", **kwtraits): if "text" not in kwtraits: kwtraits["text"] = text HasTraits.__init__(self, **kwtraits) self._bounding_box = [0, 0] def _calc_line_positions(self, gc): if not self._position_cache_valid: with gc: gc.set_font(self.font) # The bottommost line starts at postion (0,0). x_pos = [] y_pos = [] self._bounding_box = [0, 0] margin = self.margin prev_y_pos = margin prev_y_height = -self.line_spacing max_width = 0 for line in self.text.split("\n")[::-1]: if line != "": ( descent, leading, width, height, ) = gc.get_text_extent(line) if width > max_width: max_width = width new_y_pos = ( prev_y_pos + prev_y_height - descent + self.line_spacing ) else: # For blank lines, we use the height of the previous # line, if there is one. The width is 0. leading = 0 if prev_y_height != -self.line_spacing: new_y_pos = ( prev_y_pos + prev_y_height + self.line_spacing ) height = prev_y_height else: new_y_pos = prev_y_pos height = 0 x_pos.append(-leading + margin) y_pos.append(new_y_pos) prev_y_pos = new_y_pos prev_y_height = height width = max_width + 2 * margin + 2 * self.border_width height = ( prev_y_pos + prev_y_height + margin + 2 * self.border_width ) self._bounding_box = [width, height] if self.hjustify == "left": x_pos = x_pos[::-1] else: x_pos = asarray(x_pos[::-1], dtype=float) if self.hjustify == "center": x_pos += (self.width - width) / 2.0 elif self.hjustify == "right": x_pos += self.width - width self._line_xpos = x_pos if self.vjustify == "bottom": y_pos = y_pos[::-1] else: y_pos = asarray(y_pos[::-1], dtype=float) if self.vjustify == "center": y_pos += (self.height - height) / 2.0 elif self.vjustify == "top": y_pos += self.height - height self._line_ypos = y_pos self._position_cache_valid = True
[docs] def get_width_height(self, gc): """ Returns the width and height of the label, in the rotated frame of reference. """ self._calc_line_positions(gc) width, height = self._bounding_box return width, height
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self, gc): """ Returns a rectangular bounding box for the Label as (width,height). """ # FIXME: Need to deal with non 90 deg rotations width, height = self.get_width_height(gc) if self.rotate_angle in (90.0, 270.0): return (height, width) elif self.rotate_angle in (0.0, 180.0): return (width, height) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_bounding_poly(self, gc): """ Returns a list [(x0,y0), (x1,y1),...] of tuples representing a polygon that bounds the label. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _draw_mainlayer(self, gc, view_bounds=None, mode="normal"): """ Draws the label. This method assumes the graphics context has been translated to the correct position such that the origin is at the lower left-hand corner of this text label's box. """ # For this version we're not supporting rotated text. # temp modified for only one line self._calc_line_positions(gc) with gc: gc.translate_ctm(*self.position) gc.set_fill_color(self.color_) gc.set_stroke_color(self.color_) gc.set_font(self.font) if self.font.size <= 8.0: gc.set_antialias(0) else: gc.set_antialias(1) gc.rotate_ctm(pi / 180.0 * self.rotate_angle) # margin = self.margin lines = self.text.split("\n") gc.translate_ctm(self.border_width, self.border_width) width, height = self.get_width_height(gc) for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line == "": continue if self.rotate_angle == 90.0 or self.rotate_angle == 270.0: x_offset = round(self._line_ypos[i]) # this should really be "... - height/2" but # that looks wrong y_offset = round(self._line_xpos[i] - height) else: x_offset = round(self._line_xpos[i]) y_offset = round(self._line_ypos[i]) gc.set_text_position(0, 0) gc.translate_ctm(x_offset, y_offset) gc.show_text(line) gc.translate_ctm(-x_offset, -y_offset) def _font_changed(self): self._position_cache_valid = False def _margin_changed(self): self._position_cache_valid = False def _text_changed(self): self._position_cache_valid = False def _rotate_angle_changed(self): self._position_cache_valid = False @observe('bounds.items') def _update_bounds(self, event): self._position_cache_valid = False