Source code for enable.base_tool

# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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Defines the base class for all Chaco tools.  See docs/event_handling.txt for an
overview of how event handling works in Chaco.

# Enthought library imports
from traits.api import Bool, Enum, Instance

# Local relative imports
from .component import Component
from .interactor import Interactor

[docs]class KeySpec(object): """ Creates a key specification to facilitate tools interacting with the keyboard. A tool can declare either a class attribute:: magic_key = KeySpec("Right", "control", ignore=['shift']) or a trait:: magic_key = Instance(KeySpec, args=("Right", "control"), kw={'ignore': ['shift']}) and then check to see if the key was pressed by calling:: if self.magic_key.match(event): # do stuff... The names of the keys come from Enable, so both examples above are specifying the user pressing Ctrl + Right_arrow with Alt not pressed and Shift either pressed or not. """ def __init__(self, key, *modifiers, **kwmods): """ Creates this key spec with the given modifiers. """ self.key = key mods = set(m.lower() for m in modifiers) self.alt = "alt" in mods self.shift = "shift" in mods self.control = "control" in mods ignore = kwmods.get("ignore", []) self.ignore = set(m.lower() for m in ignore)
[docs] def match(self, event): """ Returns True if the given Enable key_pressed event matches this key specification. """ return ( (self.key == getattr(event, "character", None)) and ("alt" in self.ignore or self.alt == event.alt_down) and ( "control" in self.ignore or self.control == event.control_down ) and ("shift" in self.ignore or self.shift == event.shift_down) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, s): """ Create a KeySpec from a string joined by '+' characters. """ codes = s.split("+") key = codes[-1] modifiers = set(code.lower() for code in codes[:-1]) ignore = {"alt", "shift", "control"} - modifiers return cls(key, *modifiers, ignore=ignore)
[docs]class BaseTool(Interactor): """ The base class for Chaco tools. Tools are not Enable components, but they can draw. They do not participate in layout, but are instead attached to a Component, which dispatches methods to the tool and calls the tools' draw() method. See docs/event_handling.txt for more information on how tools are structured. """ # The component that this tool is attached to. component = Instance(Component) # Is this tool's visual representation visible? For passive inspector-type # tools, this is a constant value set in the class definition; # for stateful or modal tools, the tool's listener sets this attribute. visible = Bool(False) # How the tool draws on top of its component. This, in conjuction with a # a tool's status on the component, is used by the component to determine # how to render itself. In general, the meanings of the draw modes are: # # normal: # The appearance of part of the component is modified such that # the component is redrawn even if it has not otherwise # received any indication that its previous rendering is invalid. # The tool controls its own drawing loop, and calls out to this # tool after it is done drawing itself. # overlay: # The component needs to be drawn, but can be drawn after all # of the background and foreground elements in the component. # Furthermore, the tool renders correctly regardless # of how the component renders itself (e.g., via a cached image). # The overlay gets full control of the rendering loop, and must # explicitly call the component's _draw() method; otherwise the # component does not render. # none: # The tool does not have a visual representation that the component # needs to render. draw_mode = Enum("none", "overlay", "normal") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Concrete methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Implement __init__ so `component` trait can be passed as a positional arg def __init__(self, component=None, **traits): if component is not None: traits["component"] = component super().__init__(**traits)
[docs] def dispatch(self, event, suffix): """ Dispatches a mouse event based on the current event state. Overrides enable.Interactor. """ self._dispatch_stateful_event(event, suffix)
def _dispatch_stateful_event(self, event, suffix): # Override the default enable.Interactor behavior of automatically # setting the event.handled if a handler is found. (Without this # level of manual control, we could never support multiple listeners.) handler = getattr(self, self.event_state + "_" + suffix, None) if handler is not None: handler(event) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Abstract methods that subclasses should implement # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def draw(self, gc, view_bounds=None): """ Draws this tool on a graphics context. It is assumed that the graphics context has a coordinate transform that matches the origin of its component. (For containers, this is just the origin; for components, it is the origin of their containers.) """ pass
def _activate(self): """ Called by a Component when this becomes the active tool. """ pass def _deactivate(self): """ Called by a Component when this is no longer the active tool. """ pass
[docs] def deactivate(self, component=None): """ Handles this component no longer being the active tool. """ # Compatibility with [Chaco's] AbstractController interface self._deactivate()