chaco.plots.multi_line_plot module¶
Defines the MultiLinePlot class.
(**kwtraits)¶ Bases:
A plot consisting of multiple lines.
The data to be plotted must come from a two-dimensional array with shape M by N stored in a MultiArrayDataSource object. M is the number of lines to be plotted, and N is the number of points in each line.
- Parameters
index (instance of an ArrayDataSource) – These are the ‘x’ or abscissa coordinates.
yindex (instance of ArrayDataSource) – These are the ‘y’ coordinates.
value (instance of a MultiArrayDataSource) – Note that the scale, offset and normalized_amplitude attributes of the MultiLinePlot control the projection of the traces into the (x,y) plot. In simplest case, scale=1 and offset=0, and normalized_amplitude controls the scaling of the traces relative to their base y value.
global_min (float) – The minimum and maximum values of the data in value. For large arrays, computing these could take excessive time, so they must be provided when an instance is created.
global_max (float) – The minimum and maximum values of the data in value. For large arrays, computing these could take excessive time, so they must be provided when an instance is created.
normalized_amplitude (Float) –
color (ColorTrait) –
color_func (Callable or None) – If not None, this Callable overrides color. The argument to color_func will be the integer index of the trace to be rendered. color_func must return an RGBA 4-tuple. Default: None
orientation (str) – Must be ‘v’ or ‘h’ (for ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’, respectively). This is the orientation of the index axis (i.e. the ‘x’ axis). Default: ‘h’
fast_clip (bool) – If True, traces whose base ‘y’ coordinate is outside the value axis range are not plotted, even if some of the data in the curve extends into the plot region. Default: False
line_width (float) – Width of the plotted lines.
line_style – The style of the trace lines in the plot.
following are from the original LinePlot code (The) –
are untested (and) –
selected_color –
selected_line_style –
= black_color_trait(requires_redraw=True)¶ The color of the lines.
= Optional(Callable)¶ A function that returns the color of lines. Overrides color if not None.
()¶ Returns the currently visible screen-space points.
Intended for use with overlays.
= Float¶ Maximum value in the value data source. This must be provided in the call to the constructor.
= Float¶ Minimum value in the value data source. This must be provided in the call to the constructor.
= LineStyle(requires_redraw=True)¶ The line dash style.
= Float(1.0, requires_redraw=True)¶ The thickness of the line.
= Str("selections")¶ The name of the key in self.metadata that holds the selection mask
= Float(-0.5)¶ Normalized amplitude is the value exposed to the user.
= Float(1.0)¶ scale and offset provide a more general transformation, but are currently untested.
= ColorTrait("lightyellow")¶ The color to use to highlight the line when selected.
= LineStyle("solid")¶ The style of the selected line.
(obj)¶ Create a minimalist View, with just the amplitude and color attributes.