chaco.colormap_generators module¶
Generate parameteric colormaps.
Diverging colormaps can be generated via Kenneth Moreland’s procedure using
Moreland, Kenneth. Diverging Color Maps for Scientific Visualization (Expanded).
Dave Green’s cubehelix family of colormaps can be generated using
Green, D. A., 2011, A colour scheme for the display of astronomical intensity images. Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, 39, 289. (2011BASI…39..289G at ADS.)
colormap_generators. adjust_hue
(msh_sat, m_unsat)¶ Adjust the hue when interpolating to an unsaturated color.
- Parameters
msh_sat (float array (3,)) – Saturated Msh color at an endpoint of the colormap.
m_unsat (float) – The magnitude of the target unsaturated color.
- Returns
h_adjusted – The adjusted target hue value.
- Return type
colormap_generators. generate_cubehelix_palette
(start=0.5, rot=- 1.5, saturation=1.2, lightness_range=(0.0, 1.0), gamma=1.0, n_colors=256)¶ Generate a sequential color palette from black to white spiraling through intermediate colors.
- Parameters
start (float between 0.0 and 3.0, optional) – The starting hue. 0 is blue, 1 is red, 2 is green.
rot (float, optional) – How many rotations to go in hue space.
saturation (float, optional) – The saturation intensity factor.
lightness_range ((float, float), optional) – The range of lightness values to interpolate between.
gamma (float, optional) – The gamma exponent adjustment to apply to the lightness values.
n_colors (int, optional) – The number of colors to generate in the palette.
- Returns
srgb_palette – RGB color palette.
- Return type
float array (n_colors, 3)
colormap_generators. generate_diverging_palette
(srgb1, srgb2, n_colors=256)¶ Generate a diverging color palette with two endpoint colors.
- Parameters
srgb1 (float array (3,)) – RGB colors for the endpoints. An unsaturated white/grey color will be in the middle.
srgb2 (float array (3,)) – RGB colors for the endpoints. An unsaturated white/grey color will be in the middle.
n_colors (int, optional) – The number of colors to generate in the palette.
- Returns
srgb_palette – RGB color palette.
- Return type
float array (n_colors, 3)