Welcome to the BlockCanvas documentation! ========================================= Application Overview --------------------- This application is intended to explore ideas for visually edit/run/debug data flow networks and explore the data generated by them. .. image:: _static/screen_capture.png Users can see two (partially) synchronized views of the data flow. One is the actual python code that represents the data flow, and the other is a visual layout of the data flow on a canvas. The canvas is fairly simple in that it doesn't show all the input/output ports of functions -- it simply draws a single line between two related functions. This is a valuable view, but we will likely want to enhance it with a "port" view later. Users can move components around on the graph. They can select multiple items with Ctrl-click, and they can move multiple items as a group. They can also delete functions with the "Del" key. (The "close" icon in the corner of functions should also delete components, but buttons are working right now.) Contents -------- .. toctree:: readme.rst notes.rst